Interior/MEDART Locker Company, Cleveland, OhioWelcome to the new era of all-welded lockers
...Interior/MEDART Locker Company

toll free (888) 446-5797

Standard Corridor Lockers from Interior/MEDARTLocker Company

Standard Corridor Lockers

Designed with attention to detail, Interior/MEDARTTM standard corridor lockers provide quality, durability and value.

These lockers are ideal for schools, fitness clubs, institutions, universities or employee locker rooms--anywhere a well-built standard storage locker is needed, whether single tier, double tier, five tier or six tier.

Interior/MEDARTTM corridor lockers feature:

  • All-welded or KD construction;
  • Stainless steel recessed handles;
  • Louvered 16 gauge doors with three-point latching;
  • 24 gauge body parts (putty as standard).

Additional sizes and options are available including single point latching, no legs, 14 gauge doors, heavy gauge body parts, no louvers and continuous hinge.

» View the Interior/MEDARTTM Color Chart (PDF format)

Many locker sizes are available through our FAST SHIP program (gray and putty only). Call us at (888) 446-5797 to see if we have the quick ship lockers you need in stock.

Below is a table of our standard corridor locker sizes. You can request a locker quotation for any of these lockers in all-welded or KD construction.

Single-Tier Sizes

(per opening)

Double-Tier Sizes

(per opening)

Multiple-Tier Sizes

(per opening)

W D H W D H W D H W D H W D H Tier
9 12 60 9 12 72 9 12 30 9 12 36 12 12 12 5
9 15 60 9 15 72 9 15 30 9 15 36 12 12 12 5
9 18 60 9 18 72 9 18 30 9 18 36 12 18 12 5
12 12 60 12 12 72 12 12 30 12 12 36 15 15 12 5
12 15 60 12 15 72 12 15 30 12 15 36 15 15 12 5
12 18 60 12 18 72 12 18 30 12 18 36 12 12 12 6
15 12 60 15 12 72 15 12 30 15 12 36 12 15 12 6
15 15 60 15 15 72 15 15 30 15 15 36 12 18 12 6
15 18 60 15 18 72 15 18 30 15 18 36 15 12 12 6
18 18 60 18 18 72 18 18 30 18 18 36 15 15 12 6
Add 6" to height of locker when legs are desired.

request a locker quotationcontact Interior/MEDART